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News articles, press releases, blogs, research papers, essays, and scripts...I've done them all.


My most recent work is my graduate research paper about the usability of federal (U.S.) mobile apps, which I am attempting to find a publisher for at the request of my professors.


For press releases, please follow either this link or this one for Duquesne University Public Affairs releases that I wrote. I will honor requests for releases from my time at the Hershey Harrisburg Visitors Bureau as well.


For blogging, have a gander at my author page for Global Solutions Pittsburgh.


For some investigative journalism, please see my report on Marcellus shale waste water in McKeesport, PA and around the state.


Here's my first crack at a policy recommendation for a vehicle miles traveled tax to replace the fuel tax in order to pay for smart growth in infrastructure development.


I will honor requests made for other writing samples via my Contact page.

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